Opengl Tutorials

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After Effects background tutorial

After Effects is a phenomenal tool for working with video footage in post production. And while many editors and effects specialists use the program to add CGI or…

Procedural textures tutorial OpenGL

OpenGL Texturing has been re-invented multiple times, with different hardware implementations each time. As a developer, you need to be comfortable with all of them…

Glass Material tutorial UDK

Tutorial: Light Functions in UDK I forgot to mention this in the video, but any material you create to be used as a light function will need to have this property…

Tutorial background header transparent

Do you have the new Picture Window template? If so you probably have a transparent box in the center that covers your cute background! You will find out in this…

Texture tutorial OpenGL

In this tutorial, you will learn : What are UV coordinates How to load textures yourself How to use them in OpenGL What is filtering and mipmapping, and how to use…

Drawing Backgrounds Tutorials

After some frantic CHA creating, I have taken a breather and created just for me!! I simply adore drawing these girls and extending my creativity. This time I thought…

Tutorial background title post

1. Go to your Template Designer. 2. Go to “Advanced”, then click on “Add CSS”. 3. Copy and paste this code into the “Add CSS” window. .post-title { text-align: center;…

Background Manga tutorial

Duplicate your current Background Layer. To Show Layer Pane, Window > Layer Then Right Click at the active layer > Duplicate Layer You could also Duplicate…

Parallax scrolling background tutorial

After being developing for some time with the new 2D game engine SpriteKit, I have to admit that I’m in love with it. I find it really simple to use, easy to learn…