Adobe Illustrator tutorial on River

The Ultimate Collection Of Adobe Illustrator Action

3D Cubes Builder

3D Cubes Builder

With 3D Cubes Builder V.1.0 now you can save much time to creating such amazing 3D cubes like a vector master. It includes 42 Illustration actions and 25 Illustrator styles.

Stick-it! Illustrator Sticker Actions

“Stick-it! Sticker Illustrator Action” is a great collection of 12 Illustrator actions for create sticker effects from almost every kind of content (simple shape, groups of objects, symbols, editable texts, etc…).

Vect-Art Sketcher – Illustrator Actions Pack

Stick-it! Illustrator Sticker ActionsIn 3 easy steps turn your Photo in to a vector, hand drawn-like sketch. This is the magic of “Vect-Art Sketcher” – a pack of Illustrator actions.

2D Sketcher – Vector Actions Pack

The “2D Sketcher” action pack is composed of 7 hand-drawn action styles which are grass, hair, knot, outline, plain, stone and wool available in 3 types which are light, medium and bold.

3D Sketcher – Vector Actions Pack

The “3D Sketcher” action pack is composed of 6 hand-drawn action styles which are grass, hair, knot, plain, stone and wool available in 3 types which are light, medium and bold and 8 extrude directions.

Vector Flag Maker – Adobe Illustrator Action Pack

Vect-Art Sketcher - Illustrator Actions Pack“Vector Flag Maker” is a pack of 10 vector actions for Adobe Illustrator CS4 that allows you to turn your logo or any vector objects in cool distorted vector flags.

Paint The River – 7 Illustrator Actions

We’re not saying that you can’t paint or whatsoever but this Adobe Illustrator action will help you paint your texts with just a few clicks.

Pattern Maker – Illustrator Action

“Pattern Maker”, an Illustrator action set for making pattern and backgrounds, will allow you to make your own pattern with any shape or line. Just draw or paste it in template and start action.

Sleek Illustrator Actions & Styles

Save time with these actions and styles that allow you to create amazing graphics in just seconds! Select any shape or text, chose a style and in one click, your object turn into a professional-looking object.

2D Sketcher - Vector Actions Pack Vector Flag Maker - Adobe Illustrator Action Pack Paint The River - 7 Illustrator Actions Pattern Maker - Illustrator Action


More about Adobe Illustrator tutorial on River

Technique worked pretty well

by annagypsey

I never could find the YouTube
tutorial "Adobe Illustrator Sketch"
that I was looking for, but I
tried out bring a sketch into
AI and using the pen tool to
bring out the outline.
It works pretty well...
Adobe Illustrator CS5 used
effect->photocopy which
turned a black and white
photo into a sketch. Then
I used the pen tool to fill
out the outline.
Used old photo of me when
I was 21.

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