Maya Tutorials

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Face texture in Maya

By Ryan Bird Download Article Texturing is the process of adding detail (color, bump, specular, and so on) to a 3D mesh. You typically add texture using 2D painting…

Backgrounds Tutorials for website

There are a ton of books and many tutorials on Manga and Anime on focus on the eyes which is half the battle. looking at your website on…

Maya hair texture tutorial

Here is a short list of my Maya Collection if you like any of these email me at Each DVD/CD $10.00 for download only. Alias Maya Digital Tutors…

Maya leather texture tutorial

Hey guys, in this tutorial I am going to share with you the process of modeling a formal pair of leather shoes. We will first make a low poly model and then add…

Background Retouching Tutorials

As graphic designer retouching photographies is essential skill You need to master. You could talk about principles, but at least I started with simple photo editing…